Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

[U237.Ebook] Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

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Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

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Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange

The first volume of De La Grange's massive four-volume biography of the composer Gustav Mahler, covering the years 1860-1902.

  • Sales Rank: #1453548 in Books
  • Published on: 1973
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 982 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

19 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Mahler Biography/de la Grange
By Phillip C. Webb
I am happy to have this volumn as I fear that Oxford University Press will not release their edition in the alleged 4 volumn set which was promised. The dust jacket on volumn four indicated that the final editing and additional material was being prepared for the last volumn (1) which is essentially this volumn. I doubt that there would have been much added to what was issued by Doubleday. I have contacted OUP to see if there was a release date for Volumn 1. If you recall, they begain with Volumn 2 back in 1995. Volumn 4 was released in the Spring of 2008. De la Grange is the consumate Mahler biographer so I am thrilled to have been able to lcoate this volumn. Again, I would suggest that you should get this, if you want a complete biography of Mahler by this author. (I believe the only time there has been a complete set released was in France as a 3 volumn set.)

UPDATE: Contacted OUP this week to see when vol one would be release. Was told that it would be released in January of 2013, a couple of years ago. That, after waiting for 2 years after vol four was released. The projected release date is not until January of 2017! De la Grange is now 88 years old. The above volumn is looking better and better now. I believe that the important indexes may not be available to readers if this project is not completed before he us unable to finish it due to sickness or passing from this life. Let's hold our collective breaths hoping that he can have it completed by 2017.

PS. I have just located the relatively new volumn on Mahler by Jens Malte Fischer (translated from German) here in the St. Louis Public Library. Saw it on this site but did not choose to purchase it until now. Since I have just started to read it (library copy) I won't say much now but it is very promising. Overall, will purchase a copy for my library well before I get volumn one of the OUP release should it ever be released. Sometimes it is better to just have one volumn to buy of anything!!!!


Just learned that the new release date for volume 1 of the OUP release has now been moved to January 2018!.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
The Beginning (and the end?) of a great act of scholarship.
By Ken Clark
This is a monumental biography and I highly recommend it. There is one thing that potential buyers should know about this volume, though. When this volume was published, LaGrange contemplated a two volume biography which we all know ballooned into an immense act of scholarship, starting with volume two.

Just be aware that the second half of volume one covers the same period as volume two, which, of course, covers that period in much greater detail.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A masterwork of clarity and dedication
By Literato
Exclusive of footnotes and appendices, this work is 700 pages long. It is extremely well written and researched, and has many rare photos of Mahler and his family. It covers his birth in 1860 thru his engagement to the sleazy and spoiled Alma in 1901. The book coincided with Mahler's growing popularity in the concert halls of the Seventies. I got it for a Christmas present and lost track of it over years of moving. There aren't many copies available, so getting one will be expensive. But if you are a Mahler addict, this work will be well worth it. If you can only read one book about the Master, this is the one you want. Enjoy!

See all 7 customer reviews...

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[U237.Ebook] Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange Doc

[U237.Ebook] Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange Doc

[U237.Ebook] Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange Doc
[U237.Ebook] Free Ebook Mahler, by Henry-Louis de La Grange Doc

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