Sabtu, 23 April 2011

[H812.Ebook] Ebook Download Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

Ebook Download Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

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Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

Ebook Download Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

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Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel

There are 325 pages of 3-view Scale Drawings of 124 type airplanes included in a set of two books, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 of the Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings. EACH FULL PAGE DRAWING is highly detailed and is an accurate working print with all dimensions, specifications, airfoils, cross sections, templates & color schemes. The internationally acclaimed Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings have been reviewed and praised by the Aviation Press around the world. Vol. 1 contains all the airplanes listed in alphabetical order from A thru G as indicated below. Aeromarine 39B, Aeronca 7AC "Champion", Aeronca C-2, Aeronca C-3 "Collegian", Aeronca C-3 "Master", Aeronca K, Aeronca LB "Low Wing", Alcor C.6.1 Jr. Transport, Anderson-Geenwood AG-14, Beechcraft D-18S Twin, Bell P-39Q "Airacobra", Berkmans "Speed Scout", Berliner-Joyce OJ-2, Berliner-Joyce XF3J-1, Boeing 307 "Stratoliner", Boeing F3B-1, Boeing XF7B-1, Brewster F2A-3 "Buffalo", Cessna 120 / 140, Cessna C-37 "Airmaster", Cessna T-50 "Bobcat", Consolidated P2Y-2, Consolidated PBY-5A "Catalina", Curtiss "Carrier Pigeon 1", Curtiss 1st Military Tractor, S.C. No. 21/22, 1913, Curtiss A-3B "Falcon", Curtiss AT-9 "Jeep", Curtiss B-2 Condor Bomber, Curtiss B-20 Condor Transport, Curtiss F Boat, Curtiss F92 "Sparrowhawk", Curtiss MF-K-6 "Seagull", Curtiss P-36 "Hawk", Curtiss P-6E "Hawk", Curtiss PW-8, Curtiss R-6 Racer, Curtiss SC-1 "Seahawk", Curtiss SNC-1 "Falcon", Curtiss SO3C-1 "Seagull", Curtiss Twin JN, Curtiss-Cox "Texas Wildcat", Curtiss-Wright T-32 "Condor", Curtiss-Wright CW-1 "Jr.", Douglas 0-2, Douglas 0-2H, Douglas 0-38, Douglas 0-38E, Douglas M-2, Douglas A-20G "Havoc", Etrich Taube-1913, Fairchild FC-1, Fairchild FC-2, Fairchild FC-2W "Stars & Stripes", Fairchild M-62, PT-19 "Cornell", Fokker T.5 Netherlands Bomber, Galludet D-1, General Aviation Clark GA-43, Grumman F-11F-1 "Tiger", Grumman FF-1, Grumman G-44 "Widgeon", Grumman J2F-5 "Duck".

  • Sales Rank: #1983928 in Books
  • Published on: 2009
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 160 pages
  • FULL PAGE 3-view Scale Airplane Drawing

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Love the book, but
By Amazon Customer
I Had a copy of this book I had picked up from the Air Force museum twenty years ago, but lost both volumes in a house fire. It was refreshing to find a copy. I use the drawings when carving out models. The only downside to the purchase was that the person who mailed it did not throw a piece of stiff cardboard in when shipping it and the temp mail carrier took it upon him/her self to fold the package to fit the mailbox, breaking the spine.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Ron Fabretti

See all 2 customer reviews...

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[H812.Ebook] Ebook Download Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel Doc

[H812.Ebook] Ebook Download Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel Doc
[H812.Ebook] Ebook Download Paul Matt Scale Airplane Drawings, Volume 1, by Alan Abel & Drina Welch Abel Doc

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