Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

[H383.Ebook] Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

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Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

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Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty

Teaching WitchCraft offers a comprehensive, lesson-by-lesson study guide for teaching a "Wicca 101" class. The suggested course syllabus, presented in two parts, guides both teacher and student through a year-long program of study that covers a wide spectrum of topics.

  • Sales Rank: #896603 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-03-27
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 1.06" w x 8.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 468 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

35 of 35 people found the following review helpful.
By S. Alnutt
I've followed a pagan path for 7 years. I've blown through various internet "101" courses left and right. I reached a point on my path that I wanted to start getting ready to teach my children when they were old enough. I wanted to spare them the hours upon hours of taking notes from dozens of books, transferring to note cards, then constructing them into a format that was condusive to learning. Guess what....that's what this book is!!!! By the way Mr. Batty...where were you more than a year ago when I started that "little" project?!?!?!? If you remember back to high school textbooks...this is the textbook that would have been in a Wicca/Witchcraft 101 class. The format is unbelievable!! It has study questions at the end of each section and even a comprehensive "Final Exam". It's designed for a teacher as well as a student of the craft. I've started a magical group and we'll use this as a textbook in our education course!! I've ordered dozens upon dozens of books off of amazon.com and other sites. I've never left a review for any of them. But I couldn't sit back without giving this one the recognition it deserves. This book is new and I actually think I'm the first reviewer. Scroll back up...and click that order button if you are new to the craft or a veteran wanting to teach others. There isn't another book like this...you won't be disappointed!!!

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Now it's easy to teach Witchcraft
By Selketkitty
For years, I have taught magick and witchcraft to a few students at a time - your typical master/apprentice style of passing down information. However, I have always been frustrated by the amount of information in my head and my complete lack of organization. There is SO much information out there about Wicca and magick, and the longer I practiced and the more I read, the more blank books I filled with spells, rituals, and correspondences, the more disorganized a teacher I became.
Finally, I found this book - with actual lesson plans, study questions and homework, exams, practical advice to teachers and students, suggested reading at the end of each lesson - the lessons are laid out so well that any teacher, with a minimal amount of preparation, can teach without worrying that the necessary information will not get passed on.
I hope that Miles Batty writes more books in the same way... this book covers what new witches need to know so well, that I have my fingers crossed that he'll write other books to help me teach the more advanced students - although this particular book of his DOES cover enough material in such a way that students can progress on their own afterwards.
Thank you Miles Batty for writing such a WONDERFUL book - it's a tool that every teaching witch should have.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good for planning a class outline
By Hannah
This is a pretty good book. It has some good discussion topics and some really good questions that you can assign or go over in class. I did find a few problems with this book. There are several Gods/Goddesses that are categorized. incorrectly such as stating that Parvati is a Warrior God instead of a Goddess and claiming that Kali sprang forth from HIS brow. Parvati is a Goddess who is an aspect of Durga and Kali sprang forth from her (Durga) brow fully formed to fight the demons. There were several other inaccuracies when it came to pantheons but for the most part it is a good basic book that can really help you outline a beginner class.

See all 25 customer reviews...

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[H383.Ebook] Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty Doc

[H383.Ebook] Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty Doc

[H383.Ebook] Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty Doc
[H383.Ebook] Ebook Teaching Witchcraft: A Guide for Teachers and Students of the Old Religion, by Miles Batty Doc

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