Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

[O121.Ebook] Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

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Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

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Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer

International ed printed in asia of Introduction to Mechatronic Design, 1e, takes a narrative approach, emphasizing the importance of building intuition and understanding before diving into the math. The authors believe that integration is the core of mechatronics?and students must have a command of each of the domains to create the balance necessary for successful mechatronic design?and devote sections of the book to each area, including mechanical, electrical, and software disciplines, as well as a section on system design and engineering. A robust package of teaching and learning resources accompanies the book.

  • Sales Rank: #130060 in Books
  • Published on: 2010
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 782 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Great practical engineering reference
By L. Dugaiczyk
Covers myriad of engineering topics, but focuses on practical aspects, many of which are overlooked (or just lost in the details) of other EE/ME texts. Basically covers the what-you-need-to-know-to-get-it-working without much of the "boring details". Ideal for robotics projects.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Quite a good read for any mechanical engineer wanting to become acquainted ...
By Walter Coe
Quite a good read for any mechanical engineer wanting to become acquainted with embedded electronics. It is what it claims to be, and introduction, but it is full of examples and a very clearly written book.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Great, and mostly likely will continue to be
By Jordan A
This is a great overview on the electrical engineering part of mechatronics! I assume it is equally good for the mechanical and programming parts, but so far I've only focused on the electrical. I could probably give a better review at the end of the semester...

See all 7 customer reviews...

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[O121.Ebook] Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer Doc

[O121.Ebook] Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer Doc

[O121.Ebook] Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer Doc
[O121.Ebook] Free PDF Introduction to Mechatronic Design, by Edward Carryer Doc

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