Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

[V582.Ebook] Free PDF The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu

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The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu

The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu

The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu

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The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu

The winner of 2015 Hugo Award. Winner of the Nebula Award. The Three-Body Problem is a masterpiece of enormous scope and vision, written by Cixin, Liu, the most prevailing science fiction writer in China today and tells a story set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution. Back in those days, Hongan , a secret military project, aiming to explore outer space civilization and establish contact with aliens, had made breakthrough progress. But when Wenjie Ye pressed the launch key, she didn't know the destiny of human beings had been completely changed. The first signal from the earth, with the sun as its center, dashed forward to the deeper side of the universe. Four light years away, the Three-Body civilization is in big trouble. Just like the earth, they also revolve around the sun, but quite randomly. After hundreds of destruction and resurrection, they were forced to break away from the home planet. And at the very moment, they received the message from the earth. After locking the earthman's basic science with super technology, the huge universe fleet of the Three-Body started to march towards the earth. The destiny of human beings was approaching.

  • Sales Rank: #15298 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-01-01
  • Original language: Chinese
  • Dimensions: .67" h x 5.75" w x 8.19" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 302 pages

From one unprecedented age to another unprecedented age, from one mysterious reality to another mysterious reality, Cixin Liu s works is the pinnacle of new classic science fictions. -Famous Science Fiction Commentator Wu Yan --Science Fiction Box

Cixin Liu has realized an almost impossible dream in The Three-Body Problems. He perfectly combines the five thousand years of Chinese history with the universe of 15 billion years, challenging the limits of the conflicts and coexistence of morality and law of nature, which has puzzled people for generations. With his magnificent narration and profound imagination, he presents science fiction, the logical yet emotional literary genre to millions of Chinese readers, which will surely change their thinking and behavior and will let us re-evaluate all the values in and outside this planet. -Famous Science Fiction Commentator Han Song --Science Fiction Box

About the Author
Cixin Liu is the most prolific and popular science fiction writer in the People's Republic of China. Liu is an eight-time winner of the Galaxy Award (the Chinese Hugo) and a winner of the Nebula Award. The winner of 2015 Hugo Award.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer
Awesome book. Glad I can finally decided to read it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Loukianos
Nice clear font. Raises lots of philosophical questions.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Qiuchen Cao
I read it in three days. Very interesting book.

See all 29 customer reviews...

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[V582.Ebook] Free PDF The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu Doc
[V582.Ebook] Free PDF The Three-Body Problem (Chinese Edition), by Cixin Liu Doc

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